Explore Twitter communities and relationships of 40M accounts
Spot notable accounts on Twitter
See which communities they belong to on hover.

Can Hive index/rank me?
We have indexed about 40M twitter accounts at moment, usually updated once a month. If your account is not being indexed/ranked at the moment, the simplest way to ensure that it does is by signing into hive with your Twitter account.
Can I follow/unfollow/mute/block people from hive lists?
Yes you can. You do it from the community list interface. Each row has a menu that allows you perform the relevant actions. You can also perform these actions in bulk by selecting multiple accounts in the list.
Can I report issues with rankings?
There are two ways you can do this:
- Message us on twitter @hivedotone.
- Community list interface has a menu on each row that allows you to provide feedback for individual accounts. You can also select multple accounts and provide feedback for them simultaneously.
Does Hive read my personal information on Twitter?
Hive is designed to evaluate people's public reputation only. We do not read, access or analyse any private activity.
Will Hive sell my private data?
No. Hive doesn't keep any private data on hand and will not sell it
Can Hive map community X that I am part of?
Our coverage of communities on Twitter is far from complete. We will be expanding our coverage gradually. If you have a community you want us to map next you can submit suggestions here. We read them all, really!
Does Hive have an API that I can build on top of?
Yes. Please sign up here
Does Hive allow me to modify my profile?
At the moment, this is not possible. In future however, this might be possible. If you have any use case and/or ideas you'd like to share, we'd love to hear from you. Tweet at us @hivedotone
Can I suggest a feature?
Yes. We would love to hear from you. Tweet at us @hivedotone
Does Hive have a bias?
Our rankings don’t involve manual human input. Of course, all algorithms have some kinds of biases. But, algorithms with very different assumptions which are intended to measure importance on social networks give very similar results. This is not surprising since in a given community some accounts clearly are more important than others. We’re simply reporting that as accurately as we can.
What are the rankings based on?
Rankings are intended to measure importance with respect to a given community. This is computed mostly from the Twitter follow graph with some contribution from the Twitter list graph. Essentially: high ranking accounts are followed by many other high ranking accounts.
We index likes, retweets, tweets, etc (which you can find on profile pages) but don’t yet incorporate them into rankings. In the future we will.
What determines which community rankings I show up in?
Community membership is inferred from followings, followers, and Twitter lists. In the future we will also incorporate likes, retweets, tweets, etc.
My account doesn't show up on Hive.one at all. Why?
Our coverage of accounts on Twitter isn’t complete. We’re expanding our index of accounts over time, prioritizing the most important ones first.
I'm not really in community X. Why am I in the ranking?
If enough members of a community follow you, and/or you follow enough of them, we could mistakenly infer that you belong to that community. We have upcoming changes which will ameliorate this issue. In general, we’re constantly working to make our algorithm more precise in this regard.
If you really have no relation to a community whatsoever but appear on its ranking, we’d like to hear about it! Please shoot us a message on Twitter @hivedotone
I'm definitely in community X. Why am I not showing up in the ranking?
We’re aware of anomalous cases which could cause this and have changes upcoming to fix them. These cases occur with extremes of following/followers. For instance, if you follow 0 people and are followed by 10 million accounts. Or, if you follow 50k accounts and are followed by 10 million accounts.
If you don’t fit an anomalous case like that and still don’t show up in a ranking that you should, we’d like to hear about it! Please shoot us a message on Twitter @hivedotone
There's a community that I'm a part of which you don't have on the site. Why not?
Our coverage of communities on Twitter is far from complete. We will be expanding our coverage gradually. If you have a community you want us to map next you can submit suggestions here. We read them all, really!
How often are these rankings updated?
We currently update rankings once a month, but that may change in the future.
How do I increase my rank?
Get more (important) followers! There are no special tricks here. Whenever we incorporate tweet interactions in the future you can add “and get more engagement from the community”. Since that is highly correlated with getting followers anyway, the advice is pretty much the same.
How are communities named?
We have an automated process which names communities. That process is currently very simple. We review community names and modify them before publishing. In the future we will make this process more intelligent. If you think a community is misnamed, please shoot us a message on Twitter @hivedotone
I'm suspicious that these rankings are biased. Are they?
Our rankings don’t involve manual human input. Of course, all algorithms have some kinds of biases. But, algorithms with very different assumptions which are intended to measure importance on social networks give very similar results. This is not surprising since in a given community some accounts clearly are more important than others. We’re simply reporting that as accurately as we can.
Didn’t answer your question?
Email us at info@hive.one
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